Saturday, February 7, 2009

The "Grand" old Party

Yup, we now have a new government within a government, it's called the Republican party. Or the Grand Old Partiers! The GOP that brought you 3.6 million lost jobs, 24- count 'em 24 ARMY suicides in January & OVER 10.2 TRILLION in national debt have now set up their OWN government. Watch as they deftly refuse every single bill before the House and Senate, creating a completely new government based on personal greed and irresponsibility with YOUR money.

And lots of your money too, when one particular insurance company, too big to fail by the way, had $14.8 Billion in toxic assets the Reps. gave them just over $40.0 Billion. Hey, we just want to make sure while American workers & their families are standing in soup lines and unemployment office lines that stretch around the block, that their personal friends don't have to turn down the thermostat. Their rich, fat, Republican criminal friends have to keep up appearances now don't they. After all, the world is going to end in December of 2012 any way. Bush the decider will shield them all from that bad old comet thingy out there in space. No problems that those Republicans can't solve with all these hundreds of billions they got last Fall.

Don't think they care? WHO CARES!!!

But, it isn't the first time they have split off and done their own thing, look at the Iran Contra scandal of the late eighties. Remember Colonel Oliver North? The guy set up as a skape-goat to take all of President Reagan's heat for allowing his little generals and his CIA, (led by then Director of the CIA later to be Vise President then President George Hyram Walker Bush), sell rockets and shoulder fired missiles to the Iranians. Later those same missiles were used to kill American NAVY sailors and innocent civilians on crowded airliners. AND, don't forget those lovely color photos of Dick Cheney shaking hands with and KISSING Saddam Hussein in Baghdad...

But, don't forget the Watergate Scandal. Now there was a real lively GO Party, office break-ins engineered by CIA operatives and financed by the Republican National Committee itself. Traced right back to the Republican controlled White House run by none other that Tricky Dick himself... Wait a minute here, Tricky Dick Nixon, Tricky Dick Cheney. It might just be time to start answering your cell phones with, " Fuck Hoover," all over again.

Those Republicans are at it again, separating and dividing and disagreeing with every attempt to repair the damage that THEY have created or allowed. DO some research for yourself. Google search, read Wiki on any one of these stellar events, and while your at it, get ready to keep paying for it, just because they got SPANKED last November doesn't mean they're ready to be good little soldiers and sit down and behave. No way man, 'cause it ain't over yet baby! They might set another record for filibustering this year like they have the last two years running, or maybe, just maybe they'll introduce their OWN plan for saving Americas economy and ... wait, they just did.

They're their own Grand Old Party, as long as YOU and I pay for it!
Made in America By Wallboy